Spiritual Weapons: Do You Know the Weapons of Our Warfare?

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Now more than ever Christians need to arm themselves with the whole armor of God and use the different weapons of our warfare to defeat the enemy. The enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5: 8) and if you are not arm with the whole armor of God and use the weapons of our warfare that God has given us, then you will be devour.

Please see also: Spiritual Warfare: Have You Put On The Whole Armor of God?

The wickedness in this world is influenced and fuel by Satan and his servants as they move to destroy everything that is good. It is time for the people of God to wake up and realize that they are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). Too many of us are walking in defeat as we allow the enemy to devour our families, destroy our relationships, steal our joy, peace and happiness, afflict us with pain and suffering while we stand and watch the enemy destroying our lives.

Enough is enough…………………….. God is rising up an army who will not stand by and see the enemy get away with his destruction plan and ruin their lives and those around them. These are the people that are not waiting for the enemy to attack them and their family before they start fighting, but they are taking the war to the enemy.

The Weapons of Warfare

For us to fight the enemy and be victorious we need to use what God has given us. The Bible tells us that:

 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

God has given us some spiritual weapons that he expects us to use to fight against Satan and his servants, but what are these weapons:

  1. The Word of God.

The word of God is the most powerful weapon God has given us as it is both an offensive and defensive weapon as we use it to attack the enemy, but also as a defense against the blows or darts of the enemy. Just like in ancient time the sword was the main weapon of warfare; similarly, the word of God is the primary weapon we use to defend and attack the enemy.

A soldier would spend many years learning to use the sword effectively as it had a double-edged blade and was designed for close-quarter, one and one fight. For us to defeat the enemy in spiritual warfare we must study the word of God diligently.

If you remember when the enemy attacks Jesus when he was in the wilderness, Jesus used the word of God and the enemy had to leave. Christians that knows the word of God and how to use it is a big treat to the enemy as he will not be able to deceive or destroy them.

  1. Praise and Worship

Praise and worship is another weapon that the Lord has given us to defeat the enemy. An example of this weapon of warfare being used was when the Moabites and Ammonites wage war against Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat did not lift one sword against this vast enemy but all he and the people did was to worship and praise God and the enemy turned against each other; Jehoshaphat and Judah just came out to take up the spoils (2 Chronicles 20: 1, 22-28). That is the power of praise and worship. When the enemy comes up against you, pull out your weapon and confuse the enemy. The enemy does not expect you to be praising and worshiping God so he be taken completely off guard.



  1. Prayer

Prayer is another powerful weapon that each one of can use to defeat Satan and his servants. Through prayer we can tear down every strongholds of the enemy, pull down what he has set up against you and your family, and degree and declare what you want to see happen. The Bible tells us that we are kings and priest with Christ Jesus, as such God is depending on us to rule our territory (Ephesians 2:6; Revelations 1:6; . Satan is a trespasser and therefore we have the divine right to expel him.

I found this powerful article by Tim Keller on Every Believer as Prophet, Priest, and King very helpful.

  1. The Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus is another powerful weapon of our warfare. The enemy does not like the blood of Jesus and when it is use by faith can be very devastating to the enemy. When the enemy comes upon us we need to plead the blood of Jesus up and him with faith and he will back up.

I found this powerful article

These are just few of the weapons God has given to believers (Christians and non-Christians) for us to stand against the enemy. God does not always want us to take the defense, but he also wants us to attack the enemy. It is very important that you understand that not all the weapons of our warfare can be used for every battle; some fights God will require us to worship and praise, while another to defeat the enemy we will have to fight under the power of the Holy Ghost etc. What is important is that you know them and how to use them and allow God to lead to lead us.

Check out: Fighting Spiritual Warfare

Do you know of any other spiritual weapon of our warfare? Anything to add to this article? Please scroll down and leave a comment




  1. Thanks and God bless you the more for sharing this. In addition I strongly believe that our life of Holiness is another weapon. Living above sins is essential in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6: 14.

  2. The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:13 “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all stand.” Then, verses 14 through 18 gives us a description of the armour.