Characteristics of a Servant of God

What are the different characteristics of a servant of God? Throughout the Bible, there were some distinct characteristics of all the servants of the Lord. They are our examples of how we as Christians should serve the Lord.
To highlight some of these characteristics I will be using the story of Eliezer when Abraham sent him to seek a wife for his son Isaac. You can read this story in Genesis 24. The characteristics that a servant of God should have are:
 1. He is dependable and trustworthy (Gen 24:2). Abraham could have called Eliezer who was the eldest servant of his household to go and seek a wife for his son, Isaac, because he could have trusted him. Eliezer was willing to serve his master in whatever capacity Abraham chose. Not only that, but he was also in charge of everything Abraham had. Can God trust you with riches, to serve his people in whatever capacity? Can he trust you to with power and influence? The Bible said that he that is faithful in little, will be faithful in much. Sometimes God gives us very little, even suffer us to hungry, shame and poverty, just to see if we will be faithful to him. He wants to know if he can depend on each one of us to serve him even when things get rough.
2. He is a praying person (Gen 24:12). Abraham servant knew the power of prayer, no doubt being in Abraham’s company for many years had taught him that God is faithful and answers prayers. God wants to hear from his creation, in fact, man was created to have a close relationship with God. The Bible let us know that God came down in the Garden of Eden each day to talk to Adam. God want to do the same with us.
3. He is so earnest that he refuses to eat before attending his masters business (Gen 24:33). Eliezer allowed nothing to stand in his way of accomplishing the job that was given to him. Are you allowing your job, partner, children, friends, the pursuit of money, education stand in your way from doing the work of the Lord? The business of the King requires haste (1 Samuel 21:8. As servants of God we should not let anything hinder us from doing the work of God.

[pullquote]True servants of The Lord will always try to acknowledge and praise The Lord in whatever they do. If you have read these characteristics and found yourself wanting, it’s not too late to make it right as you still have breath in your body. Repent and try to make it right with God.[/pullquote]

 4. He never speaks his own name but is always speaking about his master (Gen 23:35). Eliezer did not try to praise himself, what The Lord has done for him or the position he held in his master’s house, but instead he directed all praise and discussion to his master. So many times we direct the praise of men unto ourselves instead of on the one who really deserve the attention. When God has used us to do his work we should always direct the praise unto God as we cannot do anything without him. If you have the gift of healing, you did not do the healing, but God did. It’s his gift not yours. Are you a great preacher, evangelist? Singer or musician? Everything that you have and can do is because of God. It is him that have given you the power and anointing to do all you do. Never take the credit or glory, but always pass it on to God, never think for one moment that it is merely you doing it, but it is God. Also bear in mind that you know nothing unless God allows it or give it to you, therefore give God glory for all you do and try to use it for his service.

5. He gives God glory (Gen 24:48). Eliezer acknowledge that it was God who had made his journey successful, he did not do it by himself. As I said above, always give God the glory. If you went to work and went back home safely, give God glory. In all of your accomplishment never forget to give God praise and glory for it.

Eliezer in his selfless love for his master went out with one mission: to win the girl for his master’s son. He was not so much concern about receiving praise, honor or glory or even about seeking a wife for himself, but he was determined to do the will of his master. Eliezer could have stolen or cheated his master goods, and even mistreat his masters servants as he was placed in charge of not only his master goods but his servants; but he didn’t. He was faithful until the end.

True servants of The Lord will always try to acknowledge and praise The Lord in whatever they do. If you have read these characteristics and found yourself wanting, it’s not too late to make it right as you still have breath in your body. Repent and try to make it right with God.

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