Let go of the past and issues before it destroys you

In the book of Matthew 19:17-22, there was a man in the bible that came to Jesus one day wanting to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. This man had great possessions. Jesus told him that if he should inherit eternal life he must keep the commandments. Like many of us, wanting to justify himself, he told Jesus that from his youth he have been keeping all the commandments of God. This man locked nothing, except…………. he was not willing to give up a portion of his earthly treasures to the poor for the kingdom sakes.

Like the rich man in this story many of us have some things in our life that we are not willing to let go of. For some of us it’s our sexual partner, our children, our family, not willing to forgive that person that hurt us, hatred, bitterness, our bad attitude(s), anger, bad manners, the partying, our earthly possessions, while for some of us it’s our job and for others IT’S OUR TIME. Some of us cannot remember the last time we took a break from our work or life to breathe a word prayer to God, when last we fasted for even few hours, when last we went into the house of God and seriously give him some worship and praise for what he has done for us. When it comes to giving God what is due unto him some of us find all the excuses in the world, I am too tired, I’m not feeling so well in my body etc, but can never seem to find even one reason to give him praise. We fail to let it go…..

To enter into the kingdom of heaven we have to be willing to give up something daily for God, for example, the choice of having sex with that cute girl or guy at our workplace. Nothing is worth you losing your salvation over. Whatever you seek after more than God is your god.

Whatever you seek after and hold on to that you’re not willing to let go of for the kingdom sake make sure that it is good enough to be your god, make sure that it will save you from hell. Make sure when you’re sick its able to heal you; when you’re on your dying bed its able to raise you, it can protect you from the snare of the wicked or stop a bullet from killing you. Whatever you hold on to make sure that it can find your children in another country; make sure it is good enough to be your god.

What viper has attached itself to you that you’re finding hard to let go of? For the man in the story it was his possession. His heart was not focus on things above but upon things that are of this world. Earthly treasures, jobs, money, education, family etc is only temporarily, it’s what you are willing to give up for God and what you do for God that is the only thing that will last forever.

For some people, the things that have a grip on them is their past, past hurts which results in bitterness, low self-esteem and other personality or character issues.

Anything you put before God, make

Let Go of ANYTHING that will hinder you from seeing God clearly, let go of everything that will prevent you from worshipping God or giving him your best. Only you know what the things are in your life that you do not want to let go of, and only you can set yourself free from them. Anything you hold on to is a weight that will prevent you from living a fulfill and meaningful life


“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your AFFECTION on things ABOVE, not on things on the earth”- Colossians 3:1-2

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